Your Alignment With Your Guidance Is Your True Currency

On our path, we may come across “gurus”, institutions, and groups that purport to have the “answers” to our own spiritual awakening.  Use your discernment.  Come back to how it FEELS. Your one true guidance system.  There is a universe of metaphysics: astrology, reiki, channeling, and so forth.  These all can be so compelling.      But…

We Are The New Earth

Hello Beautiful Sisters and Brothers of the Light! I received a big download this morning about the way forward to the New Earth. We need to live in our own world. We need to disconnect from social media, the news, all of it. We need to hold the vision for our own ives and the…

Inner Truth

When I was doing my yoga teacher certification program, I deeply resonated with a kundalini yoga practice called “Sat Kriya”. While holding my arms straight over my head in rock pose, as I inhaled, I chanted “Sat”, and as I exhaled, I chanted “Nam”. “Sat” means truth and “Nam” means name, so the phrase means…

Unearth Your Power

I was socialized to believe that my own power, my own survival, my own place in my family and in the larger society was contingent upon me playing nice, conforming, being obedient, going along with others, not making waves, towing the line, etc. And truly what that path brought me was absolute devastation in my…