Let Your Ride Or Die Be Your Dreams
The distance between you and your dreams is moving through fear.
Courage is the vessel to get to where you want to be.
Let go of what everyone else around you might think.
Your life is between you and your Higher Self/Spirit.
No one else’s opinion, judgment, agenda has any relevance.
Connect in with your heart.
Connect in with your dreams.
Comfort your thinking mind that may go to fear.
Trust your own voice of desire.
Trust the universe.
Trust life.
Every day, take a step forward in the direction of your dreams.
Let your RIDE OR DIE be your own loyalty to your dreams.
You got this.
All. Of. Your. Dreams.
Every. Single. One.
With every blessing,
Dr. Tassel Faith Shanebrook, Ph.D.
Visionary & Founder, YOU ARE YOUR OWN HERO