Unearth Your Power
I was socialized to believe that my own power, my own survival, my own place in my family and in the larger society was contingent upon me playing nice, conforming, being obedient, going along with others, not making waves, towing the line, etc.
And truly what that path brought me was absolute devastation in my life.
Twelve years ago, during my first very powerful awakening, I clearly realized that my life was a devastation.
I was in a traumatic marriage – and within that marriage, in a very challenging step-family situation.
I did not have a career.
I was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer.
I vehemently disliked where I was living.
I had surrounded myself with relationships that were very unhealthy.
And, I did not love or take care of myself.
This was the outcome that burying my power had brought me.
I buried my own power when I did not speak my truth.
I buried my own power when I did not connect with my own hopes and goals for my life.
I buried my own power when I did not honor my body.
I buried my own power when I put pleasing other people over pleasing/taking care of myself.
I buried my own power when I allowed others to disrespect me.
I buried my own power when I sought to become some kind of mainstream “ideal” woman.
I buried my own power when I turned away from my own guidance.
I buried my own power when I lived in my thinking mind.
I buried my own power when I let fear prevent me from expanding myself and my life.
I buried my own power when I complied with other people’s agendas for my life.
I buried my own power when I abandoned my dreams.
I buried my own power when I disconnected from my faith in Spirit and in this life’s journey.
What kind of AMAZING POWERHOUSE would you be if you stopped burying your own power?
Please join us in our You Are Your Own Hero tribe as we all fully step into our power, our life purpose, our joy, our abundance…and our new earth.
With every blessing,
Dr. Tassel Faith Shanebrook, Ph.D.
Visionary & Founder, YOU ARE YOUR OWN HERO