Your Alignment With Your Guidance Is Your True Currency

On our path, we may come across “gurus”, institutions, and groups that purport to have the “answers” to our own spiritual awakening. 

Use your discernment. 

Come back to how it FEELS. Your one true guidance system. 

There is a universe of metaphysics: astrology, reiki, channeling, and so forth. 

These all can be so compelling.     

But these also can form hierarchies: “Oh this person knows so much. More than me about this”. Another societal pathway to feel “less than”. And taking us away from our own power and our own Spirit connection. 

And this can all be a distraction. A by-pass. 

“Knowledge” has little to do with spirituality. Knowledge is the provenance of the mind and the ego. 

True spirituality is simply going within:

Your spiritual evolution is an inside job. 

Your spiritual evolution may not look like anyone else’s. 

Your spiritual evolution is connecting with your own guidance, your own truths, your own feelings. 

You are totally YOUR OWN GURU.

With every blessing,

Dr. Tassel Faith Shanebrook, Ph.D.

Visionary & Founder, YOU ARE YOUR OWN HERO

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